Friday 3 September 2010

Ballyhoura ACTIVE Summer Series
Liscarroll hosts 10km Grande Finale of the Ballyhoura Series

Liscarroll AC with the support of their local community are to stage the final event of the Ballyhoura Series of road races and walks on Friday 3rd September at 7:30p.m. With a good weather forecast and a large attendance at most of the last few events of the series, there is a good possibility that an enjoyable evening of quick ambulation along the roads of the North Cork countryside will be had by all. Previous road races held around Liscarroll were known for the hilly nature of the courses on which they were run, but this year it was decided to heed the call of runners who wanted something which they could challenge their speed on, so the route has been changed to a flat 10km course. This should also please the walkers who will be setting off at 7:00p.m. Due to the earlier start time, participants should make every effort to get to the community centre near the GAA grounds as early as possible. Entry will be available from 6:00pm onwards with a charge of 10 Euro for runners and 5 Euro for walkers. A pre-registration facility is also available on for people who want to queue separately and get their number faster.
The route has a 2km out and back section before it comes to a 6km triangular loop section. There is a slight incline on the outward section of the loop and thus a slight decline back in towards the finish, therefore participants should pace themselves for a controlled start on their outward journey and then make a strong finish! The course will be marked in kilometres which goes against the trend of marking all road races in miles. This is to cater for those runners who pace themselves in kilometres which are shorter and can give a better idea to runners of what time they are going to run for 10km, e.g. 3min per km is 30min for 10k, 3:30 per km is 35min for 10km, etc. Also since kilometres are shorter than miles then it’ll seem like you’re going faster if you’re used to miles!

The Ballyhoura series organisers are very happy to see the level of participation in all the races so far and have had great satisfaction in rewarding those who have participated in 5 races of the series with the series t-shirt. One of the main aims of the series has been achieved and other aims such as promoting local athletics/running clubs were also somewhat achieved with new recruits in some of the clubs which increases long term participation. Given that this is the first year of the series in its new format, it can be seen to be a series that has the potential to grow in popularity over the next few years, with other facets being added to each of the various events in the communities throughout Ballyhoura.
For those seeking further information please contact Michael Herlihy on 086 3168954 or on